Technology has done much to change modern culture, not all of it for the better. The promise of science has been to ease our labors, push back the hands of death and enrich the quality of our lives with leasure time. Many of the apparent benefits of this trend seem to have backfired. The ease of our labors often results in lack of jobs for individuals. New diseases appear as technical side effects of engineering marvels. Increased idle time has opened the door to evil as often as it has to good. One of the less obvious changes in our culture is a side effect of the use of electric lights. Recent studies of depression seem to indicate that stimulation of the optic nerve by the full spectrum of sunlight is a basic requirement for good health. Another example is the regulation of ovulation in woman. In ancient times women tended to ovulate when the moon was full. The light intensity acted as a signal to the reproductive system. In modern times due to the use of electric lights, this signal has become confused. The night sky is now filled with all kinds of background light that interferes with natures own signal. In ancient cultures a high birth rate was essential, so the participation in full moon sexual union was a positive survival trait. Imagine a culture where virtualy all its adult sexual congress occured at the same time in a great ritual directed by the natural rythems of the moon. Perhaps many of our present social ills are due to deviation from this kind of harmonious behavior. In disrupting the rythem of our own sexuality we may have destroyed a vital link between our social patterns and the universe we live in. Imagine the sexual energy of four billion people in tune to the great drummer, following the same dance of creation, adding together in a great creative song. The power of the sexual energy would rise and fall as one in a giant dance led by the beat of the universe. Adding together all the smaller waves would form a giant wave of enormous power. This giant wave of sexual energy would be in complete harmony with the universe since it would be a direct result of the natural timing of light. Perhaps we have lost the power and beauty of the great symphony because we no longer follow the mistro.