THE DEEP Listen well ye sons of the deep for the call of the sea is mighty strong for the wind swept tide will surely keep what the oceans charm has called her own. Hear a tale of the sailors dream of the endless treasures I have seen And the hopeless ragged shells of men when the greed of fools comes home again. Catch a ride on a westward sail for a tropic voyage to a distant isle for a sun drenched beach of the noble crown where the young girls skin is golden brown. Shake with fear at the tempest gale lashed to the mast of a tattered sail in the vortex sea of a nightmare storm facing the doom of death alone. Play a song of the mournful cry when the kindred brother falls to die when the lonely heart will scream with pain for the soul thats lost on the raging main. Listen well ye sons of the deep for the call of the sea is mighty strong for the wind swept tide will surely keep what the oceans charm has called her own. B.E.