SIREN'S CALL Oh listen well ye sailors all Who set to sea upon the waves To hear the haunting siren's call Content to be her slave The measure of the ocean's charms Embrace the world end to end Eternal woman's open arms Ensnare the hearts of men To seek the dark and distant lands On earth forever cursed to roam As gypsies of the bitter wind Sail lost without a home A pointless tragedy is this The lonely misery of life To leave behind the tender kiss Of sweet and loving wife A man must give his soul to wed In blessed union with his mate To share the labor and the bed Their lesson born of fate There is no higher goal for man To calm his sea of selfish pride And leave his freedom of the land Surrendered to his bride Seek out the depths within your heart And lay those ocean dreams to sleep Take up the noble husbands art And life will be complete B.E.